(Mellow Wanderer) Spring-summer wildflower season is here, painting highway medians, meadows and parks in a collage of color. Bloom schedules vary according to climate and location, but every region of the U.S. pops in a spectrum of splendor, giving new meaning to road tripping.
So grab your favorite tie-dye, highway ahead, windows down, crank-up Joe Cocker and get a natural high as a visual botanical display blurs by. 

The U.S. Forest Service has an extensive and impressive list of what blooms, when and where in every region of the country. Also, the National Park Service issues daily reports based on park ranger and scientist observations.
In fact, wildflowers are such a bloom’n big deal there’s a law to beautify our nation’s highways and roads with federally funded seeding programs. Bird seed, you might call it. As in Lady Bird Johnson, the First Lady of President Lyndon Johnson, who in 1973 supported and helped establish Operation Wildflower.
Garden clubs and other community groups participate with states in receiving federal grants to purchase native American wildflower seed. Volunteers plant seed, according to the guidelines of each state.

Wildflower watch groups have sprouted. Wild About Wildflowers, an internet club for fanatics, is on a mission to “develop the most extensive and comprehensive wildflower database in the world!”
That’s real flower power. Enjoy the ride!