Tourist Beware: This Summer Destination Is America’s Lightning Capital

photo of lightning

Summer tourists flock to Florida to experience the Sunshine State’s famous beaches and expansive theme parks. However, many outsiders are unaware of the frequent, explosive, and dangerous lightning strikes that occur every year. In fact, Florida has the highest number of lightning-related deaths in the United States, far surpassing any other state. It’s important to note that you don’t have to be directly in a thunderstorm to be at risk. Lightning can strike even if the sun is shining and a storm is six to ten miles away, a phenomenon known as “blue sky lightning.” Imagine the danger if you were checking your mailbox at just the wrong moment.

So, how can you protect yourself? Always pay attention to local weather forecasts, whether on television, apps, or social media. Many sources provide real-time local radar and push alerts to your smartphone. If you’re at the beach and hear thunder, seek shelter immediately and stay out of the water, including swimming pools. The same advice applies if you’re outdoors: seek shelter right away. Stay safe and be lightning aware!

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