Out With Summer, In With Fall And Halloween

orange pumpkin beside the glass window

The thermometer says summer, but our heads tell us it’s autumn. Fall football has started and we’re on our way to Halloween. Cue the horror theme park fests, now underway at various locations around America. Seems Halloween is approaching Christmas status, starting earlier every year and getting bigger as well.

In fact, in Salem, Massachusetts Halloween is celebrated all year long. The town is famous (or infamous, depending on your point of view) for the Salem witch trials. You can visit the cemetery where the victims are memorialized. There are shops and “museums” where those dark days are celebrated in a weird kind of way.

But witch commerce means dollars for the city coffers. After all, time heals all wounds, right?

woman with face paint with pumpkin
Photo by Oleksandr P on Pexels.com

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