Entering Myakka River State Park near Sarasota, Florida is simply breathtaking. You’re surrounded by lush greenery, crystal clear waters of the Myakka river, and abundant wildlife, including enormous alligators– a popular natural attraction for visitors.

My adventure began by heading to the hiking trails. There were several different paths to choose from, each offering its own unique views of the park. I decided to take the 5-mile Myakka River Trail. Wear a good pair of hiking or walking shoes to navigate these dirt trails, which wind through tall grasses and exposed roots from the many live oak trees along the riverbank. On this day, the sun was bright with a brilliant blue sky and a cool breeze. My favorite kind of day. Perfect conditions to explore. Along the way, I encountered several different species of birds. A menagerie of animals inhabit Myakka such as deer, raccoons, wild boars, turtles and tortoises, and of course– snakes! I’ll get to the alligators a little later.

As I continued on the trail, I came across a large pond that was filled with lily pads and blooming flowers. It was so peaceful and serene. I could hear the sounds of nature all around me. The gentle buzz of insects, the chirping of birds, and the rustling of leaves in the breeze.
After completing the hiking trail, I encountered a large group of alligators lounging in the sun near the riverbank. The park is known for its large alligator population, and it was an amazing sight to see so many of them in one place. You could hear several ohhs and ahhs from the small crowd of people every time a gator slithered through the water or roamed the shoreline. Everyone kept a safe distance as they marveled at these prehistoric creatures. Fortunately, I had a powerful zoom lens camera to snap a few upclose shots while staying far away and respecting their territory.

After observing the alligators for a while, I picked up a path that led through the woods and came upon a walking canopy bridge. It was a suspension bridge that stretched over the treetops and offered stunning views of the park. As I walked across the bridge, I could feel it sway slightly, but it was completely safe and sturdy. The park was even more beautiful from this height. It was truly an awe-inspiring sight.

You can also enjoy a number of recreational activities, such as fishing, kayaking, canoeing, bike riding and horseback riding. Enjoy a picnic lunch under the shade of a stately oak tree or at a number of picnic tables and benches scattered throughout the park.
Go for the day or stay longer at Myakka’s RV park. Located close to the river, the RV section has electricity, water, and sewer hookups.

Myakka is one of the oldest and largest state parks in Florida, first established in 1934. Back then, Myakka totaled 17,000 acres. Today, the park is more than 58,000 acres. I enjoyed my time here immersed in nature and all that the park has to offer. A bit old old Florida to explore and preserve for future generations.