Mellow Wanderer

Steve "Mellow Wanderer" Geiger is a retired broadcast news executive and EMMY Award winning producer, reporter, and writer. Steve is an avid traveler and writes about his various adventures and the places he visits.

Summer Heat Relief: Chill Out At Niagara Falls

  Wet and Wild! Niagara Falls is the ultimate summer cool down. The Canadian side is more picturesque.Cave of the Winds lets visitors walk up right behind the falls with all its roaring fury. Here are some key facts, according to NIAGARAPARKS.COM: It’s the combination of height and volume that makes Niagara Falls so beautiful….

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Step Back In Time At Cedar Key

(CEDAR KEY, FL) Just west of Gainesville and north of Tampa on Florida’s West Coast is a sleepy fishing village jutting into the fertile salt marches, breeding grounds for the rich supply of shellfish, mainly oysters and clams.  A bowl of homemade chowder is practically part of the daily diet here. Wander down Cedar Key’s…

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Seattle: Cool, Hip, And Funky Fun

  (Mellow Wanderer, Seattle) The minute you step out of SEA-TAC airport and take a 10 minute walk to Seattle’s light rail, you know you’re in a special city. Seattle gets it, with easy affordable mass transit. Forget the car. You can see all the top Seattle attractions and link to all the unique eclectic…

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Good Morning, Seattle!

(Mellow Wanderer, Seattle) Good morning coffee in Seattle! Kind of a light drizzle AM, bit of a chill in the air. Wandered into Sugar Bakery for a pick me up. According to my barista Zack, this section of Seattle is called First Hill a.k.a Pill Hill for all the surrounding hospitals & med clinics, including, he…

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Oktoberfest From A to Z

(Mellow Wanderer) No other autumn celebration is more festive than Oktoberfest. What’s not to like? There’s beer, brats, pretzels, schnitzel and stein waving German song. Enjoy the entertaining traditional music of Oktoberfest in this “Quick Quack Video” produced by Mellow Wanderer as he waddled through Bavaria. Saturday, September 19 is the official start of Germany’s Oktoberfest in Munich,…

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